What is Cellular Stress?
Cellular stress refers to the accumulation of negative emotions and experiences that become trapped in our cells and DNA. We are often told to “Get over it” or “Keep a stiff upper lip”, and so on as we go through life challenges. However, suppressing, or not being able to feel our emotions fully in the moment can lead to what is referred to as ‘Negative Cellular Frequency.’
The negative emotions or traumas experienced over a lifetime can accumulate deep within tissue and/or organs within the body. This negative cellular frequency or vibration often ultimately manifests either as a physical issue (e.g. disease, illness, injury, etc.) or as an emotional one (e.g. anger, depression, anxiety, self-loathing or –abuse, etc.). While our conscious mind helps with day-to-day decision making, thoughts, and emotions, these affect the subconscious over time and contribute to the development of cellular memory within our bodies.
Evidence has shown that organ donation recipients can experience the emotions, memories, and even cravings of their donors. Cellular biologists such as Dr. Bruce Lipton have concluded that our memories and emotions are not solely stored in our brain, but appear to be stored in the trillions of cells that make up our body.
Cellular Stress Therapy removes the negative charges and subconscious conditioning within the body, helping you return to a healthy state mentally, emotionally, and physically.
"When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change."
- Dr. Wayne Dyer
How Cellular Stress Therapy works
Cellular Stress Therapy succeeds in addressing core issues and the subconscious through the application of various techniques and modalities, including applied Kinesiology (muscle testing), energy healing, and biologically balanced magnets to work with the electromagnetic frequencies stored within cells. Negativity is released energetically, helping the mental/emotional and physical bodies return to an optimal state.
As children we come into the world pure, energetic, positive, and whole. Over time this energy becomes hidden, tarnished by trauma, influenced by the views and actions of others or other life challenges experienced.
Wouldn’t it be fantastic to remove the baggage and become that pure, energetic, wide-eyed, and happy child once more?
Each person is unique and an individual. You are treated as such throughout your journey with The Willow’s Way. Bonnie Johnston works with you to identify the major life events or experiences that have contributed to making you who you are today. Through this, obstacles are identified and effectively removed within the body’s energy systems.
These energy systems are reset by using the body’s innate wisdom and ability to heal itself.
The process is gentle. The impact is profound.
Some of the many benefits of Cellular Stress Therapy include:
- Freedom. When we are freed from the programming and encumbrances of the past, we deal better with the stresses of today. We flow through life easier, feel better, and make better decisions affecting our future and the lives of others.
- Healing. The physical and psychological manifestations of the mind are powerful but still barely understood in our current culture. Clearing out past traumas, previously-held beliefs, and subconscious blockages can have a dramatic affect on healing physical or emotional issues/concerns.
- Greater Self-Awareness. When we become more conscious of how we contribute, both positively and negatively, to the outcomes of our lives, we change these. Knowing who we are on a deeper level enables us to make better choices and handle daily situations far more effectively. By knowing and allowing that inner light to shine, we then infuse all situations with greater positivity and support the important relationships that matter.