Foundations and roots
There are many who have come before us, and many who will come after. This is a brief listing of some of those who have contributed to the foundations of Cellular Stress Therapy (CST) and related research and practice. CST is rooted in the research and experience of numerous experts in their fields, including Cellular Biologists, Biochemists, Immunologists, Physiologists, Biophysicists, Epigeneticists, Quantum Physicists, and others.
Dr. Bruce H. Lipton, PhD
Cellular Biologist, Author of "Biology of Belief"
Dr. Sondra Barrett, PhD
Biochemist & Immunologist, Author of "Secrets of Your Cells"
Dr. Candace B. Pert, PhD
Research professor of Physiology and Biophysics, Author of "Molecules of Emotion"
Dr. Dawson Church, PhD
Epigeneticist, Author of "The Genie in Your Genes"
Dr. Roger Callahan, MD
Psychiatrist, Author/founder of "Thought Field Therapy"
Dr. Gary Chapman, PhD
Director of Marriage & Family Life Consultants Inc., Author of "The Five Love Languages"