The Willows Way has sessions designed specifically for Individuals, Children, and we excel at Relationship Coaching. Find out more and book your session today!
(for those aged 16+)
Remove and release negative core belief systems and replace these with self-love, self-awareness, and greater fulfillment through one-on-one sessions with The Willows Way.
A gentle and compassionate interview process helps you identify current and past issues, traumas, and core belief systems that may be affecting you now. Through a series of questions, applied kinesiology, and biologically-compatible magnets, you and your therapist are able to access and release hidden and negatively-charged memories and the cellular damage caused.
Various emotions and sensations may arise during an individual Cellular Stress Therapy session. This is simply the negative experiences, stories, and trauma being released on a deeper cellular and DNA level. Further clarity may result in the days after the session as newly created ideas and subconscious understandings seem effortlessly applied to your daily life.
While one session can be quite profound and life-changing, a series of treatments may be required to fully address your concerns and desired life goals.
We are often dealing with stored programs and beliefs that we’ve held since birth and childhood. These can manifest as chronic or long-term issues and therefore require a bit more time to effectively address. Multiple issues may emerge through individual sessions. This may be likened to peeling the layers of an onion – We peel back the layers, clearing these and the subsequent layers below, to enable us to operate in a new and healthier way in the world.
Individuals who have benefited from the Willows Way Say...
“Bonnie Johnston is a very special healer. I have never met someone more caring and compassionate. Her devotion to her work is felt the moment you reach out to her. The type of work you receive from Bonnie will change your whole outlook on life for the better. I didn’t know how freeing it could be to recognize false belief systems that are not serving me in anyway, be able to release them and then move forward with new strengthening and empowering beliefs.”
“To my journey of peace and happiness!! Thank you dearest Bonnie!”
“I was really nervous about my first session, because I didn’t know what to expect, but I was so comfortable with Bonnie, and found immense changes in the quality of my life in those areas I worked on in the session. I started feeling more positive, relaxed, and consistently began to feel as free as I did when I was a teenager. I can’t recommend Bonnie highly enough! Now I see her regularly, and always with fantastic and exciting results.”
“Since seeing Bonnie, my life has positively changed for the better. I rarely experience anxiety, whereas before I suffered from diagnosed general anxiety. I am a happy and generally calm person now whereas before I lived in constant anxiety. This therapy has allowed me to live a life worth living.”
“Bonnie has helped me become more mindful in my daily life. I leave my sessions with her feeling as though I’ve just left a day at the spa... renewed and inspired. Our work together has had such a positive impact in all areas of my life.”
“I have been so blessed to have met Bonnie. I had no idea how damaged my inner child was. My coping mechanism was, “There‘s always someone who has had it worse.” That’s how I coped! I thought I had my life under control because I was in a successful marriage and attracted good people. Bonnie has helped me to see about myself, what I have been suppressing for so many years. It is painful to be reminded but so cleansing when her work is done! It is so important for all of us to maintain a healthy and peaceful inner being, in the same way we want to be healthy physically. Living in fear and with negative thoughts can cause disease and not allow us to live a fulfilling life.”
“My success with Bonnie has been so valuable. It has taught me to love and care for myself in a way that I was able to attract a man into my life who holds the same values, compassion and love essence as myself. ”
“Through the stressful time in growing my business and keeping my personal life together, Bonnie was the perfect person to turn to. She ensured that I faced my challenges to grow and treat myself correctly while balancing how much I love to give. Thank-you Bonnie! ”